Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pyjama Party - Photo a Day, June 10th

Jonathan had cooking school today and it was Pyjama Party Day. Jonathan has been talking about it since I signed him up.

So, when I picked him from the bus stop after school, he was eager to change into his PJ's and did so right in the car - SO CUTE!

The kids in the class made Breakfast Tarts (like a quiche, REALLY yummy!) and a fruit and yogurt parfait (also really yummy!)

After the cooking was done, Sandy (the instructor) read them a "bed time" story (Where the Wild Things Are) and then they had a little pyjama fashion show. Only three of the kids wore pyjamas, but they all participated in the fashion show. Parading kids are just so darn adorable! Here's Jonathan in the fashion show:

What a cutie!

Thanks for stopping by today!

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