The kids have been taking archery lessons on Sunday mornings. Normally, I am NOT the one that takes them. When I found out the start time of the first lesson (8:30), I made sure Scott was willing to take them, because Sunday is my sleep in day! After today, there are only 2 weeks left and he has taken them to each and every lesson, except for today.
He's got some time sensitive stuff to get done for work and he was up till almost 4 a.m. today, despite the fact that I told him "Don't stay up all night" before I went to bed (early) around 9:30 p.m.
Now, I don't normally reward stupidity (who the heck stays up that late knowing they have to be out the door at 8 a.m.?) but he took REALLY good care of me yesterday as I was suffering the after effects of too much sun at the Bread and Honey Festival. I did put on sunblock, but missed a few spots and let me tell you - OUCH!!! He spread aloe gel on my upper back/shoulders whenever I asked and even brought me some ice to help with the sting and dissipate some of the heat. He's a good honey!
So, I decided I would be a good honey too and let him sleep some, because he had to go into work AGAIN to get some more stuff done. CRAZY! He spent more time at the office this weekend than he did at home - SO NOT FAIR!
The kids have a great time at archery. Lauren is thinking of taking a "Robin Hood" camp this year where she can perfect her archery skills and even learn some fencing! Toting my camera got me into the class so I could take some pics and even an invite to do some shooting! I haven't shot in YEARS (like at least 25 or so!), so I begged off. But Scott (the instructor, not DH) said he would give me some brush up lessons next week (I'm taking the kids because it's Father's Day) and have me shooting in not time - COOL!
That's it for now! Hope you all (all 4 of you - LOL!) had a GREAT weekend!
Thanks for stopping by!
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