So, we went to Scott's parents for Thanksgiving Sunday. The weather was BEAUTIFUL and the fall scenery on the way there was STUNNING!
This one is SOOC (Straight Out of Camera). The only thing I did was convert the depth (it was shot RAW) and resize for web.

While we were there, we had a Blue Jay come visit. The Blue Jay is friendly with Scott's parents as they feed him peanuts on a daily basis, so he came pretty close. I used the zoom lens too. I did some editing on this one, so it's not SOOC.

Hope you're all having a WONDERFUL weekend! I'm heading out to a friends house to do some card making, so I'll be having fun!!!
On December 1st, my friend Caroline and I will be at the Hospital for Sick Children (555 University Avenue, Toronto) where we'll have a table and we'll be selling cards, etc...if you're around you should come by and say hi!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Christyne! I was just wondering if I could donate some cards for you to sell? It's such a good cause and I love making them so it's a good fit.
Let me know K?
Absolutely Karin! We'll have to find a meet up spot sometime between now and Dec. 1st...we'll have to pick a midway point between us and mornings are best for me.
Thanks and Hugs~
I sent you a message on Facebook with some questions:).
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