He wanted to have a swimming party, so that's what we did. We headed out to our community pool and enjoyed a swim for about an hour and a half. Just before the swim ended, Scott went out to get pizza to feed the masses.
The boys enjoyed pizza, drinks and chips before having birthday cake.

Ahhh...the cake...(bad mommy moment coming up). There are always lots of cake on display at the grocery stores and I was under the mistaken impression that you could actually BUY the display cakes. Turns out I was wrong - OOPS! So Scott went out in the morning to buy a cake and had to buy a pre-made cake...with roses on it - YIKES!
The plan was to take the roses off before we served the cake, but we weren't quite sure how to go about that, so we left them on. Turns out the roses were a HUGE hit and the boys were thrilled to each get one for that added sugar boost - UGH!
I carved a 10 into the cake with the knife and it was a big hit!

Colin asked his friends how they would "rate" his party on a scale of 1 to 10 and they all said "10", so I guess everyone had a great time.
Thanks for stopping by!
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