This recipe is from an OLD Five Roses cookbook that my mom still has. There are LOTS of brownie recipes out there, but IMHO this one is the best. And don't pay any mind to the NEWER version of this recipe that appears in a more recent Five Roses Cookbook. They've reduced the amount of butter in the new recipe. Don't do that!
Here's what you'll need:
2 squares (2 oz) of unsweetened chocolate (make sure it's unsweetened - trust me!), melted
1/2 cup butter

1 cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1/2 cup all purpose flour
Oh! And one cute kid! Tell the cute kid that it's a surprise and to tell Dad to stay out of the kitchen. Tell him NOT to tell Dad you're baking brownies BEFORE he tells him it's a surprise...yeah...not so much a surprise...
O.K., so, first things first: Get that cute kid to grease up your pan for you. Hey. it's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it...might as well be him - LOL!

While he's doing that, melt your two squares of chocolate. Now, if I was a purist, I'd melt it on the stove in a double boiler, but who the heck has time for that? Just do what I do and put it in the microwave for a minute. Take it out and give it a stir. If it's not all melted, pop it back in for another 30 seconds. That ought to do it. And if not, try another 30 seconds. Whatever you do, DON'T burn the chocolate or you'll have to start over...burnt chocolate is ICKY!
Once the chocolate is all melted and slightly cooled, add the butter and give it a stir!

Then add in that cup of sugar. See, this is why I said make sure you use UNSWEETENED chocolate. There is PLENTY of sweet in that sugar! Mix the sugar, butter and chocolate till it's one big gooey mess!

Then, add your two large eggs...I guess (technically) that you're supposed to beat them first, but I never have and my brownies are always AMAZING, so there you have it! Oh, and before you actually mix in the eggs, don't forget to laugh because they look like eyeballs in your bowl - LOL!

My apologies for the lack of a picture after the cooking process is complete. As soon as these things were cooled off, they were pretty much gone! I'm sure you'll find the same when you bake them at your house! Enjoy!